Long story short
People often have the perception that collecting digital data is a new phenomenon. Well, in short – It’s not. Companies and institutions have spent countless hours and resources trying to build information banks. But the question that always seemed to inhibit the progress was; What do we use it for?
The defining moment
Predge comes from the very same puzzling and sleepless nights at the office – trying to make sense of data. We are based on over 20 years of research and studies within the information field, both from the academy at Luleå university of Technology as well as business life. During those years, we collected so much data and possible solutions that we one step at a time realized – this is for the world to share. So, in the autumn of 2013 we launched our first company name – eMaintenance365. By then, after years of research within eMaintenance, operation and maintenance engineering, and control systems, we knew what our purpose was and how to turn Big Data into better decision-making.

Done deal!
The product development took off as soon the name was set, and we started to look for mature industries ready to start a pilot study. In 2016 LKAB chose to try our product E365 Analytics® for their iron ore transportation, and in 2017 we signed our very first deal – Thank you LKAB! Since then, we have broadened our customer base with both new pilot studies and live projects.
... And here we are now
What started as an innovative spin-off, combining research from academics and business life, is now Predge. A company that helps different industries optimize maintenance and use resources more sustainable by predicting the future. So, what’s new? Well, we are bigger, faster and a true staple within our line of business. But we haven’t forgotten about our history. Initially we kept our product name E365 Analytics®, until introducing more domain specific product packages such as Predge Rolling Stock to broaden our offer.
What's next for Predge?
Seeing into our own future, we want to continue changing the way industries operate without falling behind on our own development. And for that equation to work out, we need solid people with a settler’s mindset – always looking for the next big idea. Because we believe the need for good data will continue to grow. Data that doesn’t exploit people, but that can help us, and the world making smarter decisions.