Customer case
Proven results
Together with our customers we meet and solve business-critical challenges regarding the operation and maintenance of machinery and systems. We have gained a great deal of confidence and, so far, enabled several Rolling stock operators to move forward from reactive to preventive maintenance with very good results.
SSAB - customer case
Streamlining done right
The 1200-kilometer railway between Luleå and Borlänge is an important link in the SSAB production chain. Every 24 hours trains and wagons go in each direction, so the reliability is vital. Using solutions by Predge, SSAB saw that 90% of the damages indicated within 1200-3600 kilometers…

All customer cases

Increased reliability
Real Rail Sweden AB is part of the
Sandahls Group. With over 500 freight
wagons, they offer a unique rail solution for transporting goods over longer distances….

SSAB Steel Shuttle operated by VTG
The 1200-kilometer railway between Luleå and Borlänge is an important link in the SSAB production chain. Every 24 hours trains and wagons go in each direction, so the reliability is vital…

Reducing the number of stops
The Arctic Rail Express (ARE) delivers efficient transport between Oslo and Narvik in northern Norway. It is Europe’s longest direct train transport…

From reactive to predictive
From their mines in Northern Sweden, LKAB has an annual iron ore production of 30 million tonnes, making them the biggest producer in all of Europe…