giving data a purpose
About us
Predge is a data- and solution driven company helping industries to predict failure, errors and prevent unwanted stops. Our product packages is formed together with the market, our customers and partners. By collecting and analyzing Big Data we provide a base for decision-making in operations.
Everything happens for a reason
We don’t believe in coincidences; everything happens for a reason. And if those reasons can be identified beforehand, we can change the outcome – contributing to better maintenance work and a sustainable life cycle. That’s why our vision is that Smart Industry equals seeing into the future.

Time for change
The people at Predge can be described as visionary doers. We dare to dream big and execute accordingly. That is why we never have limited ourselves to one solution fits all, or to one type of customer. We believe that good data is a necessity for all industries that want to be a part of a more sustainable future with better decision-making and optimized operations.